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3 Ways to Uplevel Your Closet Organization by Professional Organizer, Britnee Tanner

3 Ways to Uplevel Your Closet Organization by Professional Organizer, Britnee Tanner

January 25, 2022

– Written by Britnee Tanner, SLC Professional Organizer

As a professional organizer, I’ve seen my fair share of closets. Some large, some small, and many not being utilized to their fullest storage potential. Fortunately, no matter what size closet you currently have, you can make it a dream space. It might take a little creativity and determination but it is definitely doable.

Tip 1: Set Your Closet Goals

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When it comes to closet organization, you need to first set some goals. How is your closet working now? What feels off about it? How would you like it to function for you? Is it home to more than it should be? Does the organization make sense based on how you would like to be using it on a daily basis?

Go to your closet and really give it an objective stare. Determine what you want it to look like. Search Pinterest for inspiration if you need!

Tip 2: Edit Your Wardrobe to Free Up Space

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Oftentimes, closets are filled to the brim and it can be hard to hang even one more thing on the rack. I always recommend that you give your closet a thorough edit first. Pull everything out and put it on the floor or your bed. Determine what you love or don’t love about your selection. Do you wear all of the clothing that you see? Are there certain colors that you love and gravitate toward or are there colors that you avoid? Notice what you enjoy wearing and what you don’t. This will help guide your decision-making process. Be sure to create a donate or sell pile for pieces that you plan to get rid of.

Tip 3: Get Creative with Storage

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Once you’ve made the initial edit, it’s time to think about where your shoes and clothing should live. Do you have miscellaneous things on your shelves that would make more sense placed somewhere else? Try to use your closet for closet items if possible - clothing, accessories, shoes, etc. Move things that can be moved. When it comes to shoes, consider storing your frequently worn pairs front and center for easy access and place seasonal or less frequently worn pairs on a top shelf in a bin or down below in containers to keep dust from collecting on them. 

Good luck up-leveling your closet game - let me know how it goes in the comments!


Find Britnee Tanner on Instagram here.