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Landscaping Part 2: Design and Style

A beautiful landscape can make even the best of homes even better. Understanding the elements of design and how they create style can help you make the best decisions when designing your landscape. ...
5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Home Office Space

5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Home Office Space

Wouldn’t we all like to have a spacious, indulgent temple of industry like this in our homes? We tell ourselves that surely we’d work harder and accomplish more in such a space – or at the very least...

Worlds Most Unique Home Designs

From France To Arizona You pick the design, and leave the building to us. As home builders in Logan, Utah, we have fulfilled many requests for home designs, each one being unique in its own way. Bu...

Best Home Hacks

From Decor to Organization As your trusted home builders in Logan, Utah, we understand that running a home is just as stressful as running a business. Only the work you do in your home doesn’t repl...

Common Mistakes When Buying Furniture

What To Avoid When Buying Furniture Once you’ve gotten your new home in Logan, Utah, from your trusted home builders, the next step is buying furniture. Seems simple compared to buying a home right...

Maximize Space With Furniture Placement

How To Get The Most Bang For Your Furniture It can be a little challenging to try and put together your perfect dream home. You have to juggle a home layout, decor, and design all while staying in...

Tips And Tricks For a Better Smelling Home

Make Better Memories With A Better Smelling Home The human mind is quite intriguing. But perhaps one of the most interesting facts about our mind is that your sense of smell can trigger the stron...

Green DIY Ideas

From Our Home to Yours As the most trusted home builder in Logan, Utah, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve your home. One way we have tried to do that is by building green homes. W...

House that Facebook Built- Week 5 Entry Door Color

The choices are: A. English Wedgewood (blue)—the shakes color B. White–the trim color C. Dark Bronze—the color of the soffit and fascia D. Harbor Gray—the horizontal siding color and main colo...
The House that Facebook Built- Week 4- Fireplaces

The House that Facebook Built- Week 4- Fireplaces

Similar to A: Traditional Living Room by Victoria Architects & Designers Christopher Developments Similar to B: Craftsman Living Room by Bozeman Architects & Designers Locati Architects Si...