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Designing Your Dream Home: Step Three

June 4, 2013

There are so many things to think about when designing your dream home. We have broken it down into four easy steps that will help you know you’re getting exactly what you need. Follow us to make sure you’ll get to read all of them. If you missed step one, you can find it here, and if you missed step two, you can find it here.

STEP THREE: Making decisions

Now that you feel that you know who you are and where you think you’ll be, start making your lists. The first list you should make is one identifying all the good things about where you currently live. Be very specific and don’t be afraid to include even the simplest things – like having a garbage disposal or an outlet in the perfect spot. Look for things that you may take for granted as they are the things you don’t realize how much you appreciate them – until you don’t have them.

The second list should consist of your lifestyle wishes (from Step One). How do you currently live on one side compared to how you hope to live in your new home on the other side.

A third list may include problem areas you currently encounter and how you would address them.

Finally, as you consider your “ages and stages” think about how you may be able to “repurpose” a space to accommodate a future need. What begins as a nursery can someday turn into a home office or hobby room. What starts as individual lockers for busy kids can become a sorting center for recycling materials as well as donating gently used items to thrift stores. A large laundry room for a growing family can turn into a craft room or home supply center (batteries, light bulbs and toilet paper).

You may find yourself surprised that what you had originally thought to be a good idea isn’t. Or that something you’d never before considered is now at the top of your list. Remember, too, that life continually changes and evolves & that you will likely never fully anticipate everything you’ll need or want in your dream home. That’s okay. This presents the challenge to “repurpose” and think outside the box.

The post Designing Your Dream Home: Step Three appeared first on Visionary Homes.