October 15, 2021
We've been sharing a few Halloween decor tips and tricks on our Instagram and now we'll be breaking down each one here on the blog. For week 1, we featured Halloween front porch decor to gain inspiration from and decorate your front porch just in time for Halloween! We started with an easy wreath DIY, went onto a ghost candy holder (it's a trash can with a sheet and felt cutouts for the face), and lastly showing the new trend for painting pumpkins. Find out how we did all three below to create your own!
Watch video for a fun intro!
This door wreath is so cute and simple to make! We were surprised ourselves at how fast it took to make it and how pretty it ended up looking. This not only can be used as a fall wreath but kept up during Halloween (feel free to add little holiday-themed decor to it as well, such as bats or spiders). You don't necessarily need to use the same wreath supplies we did, you're welcome to find similar ones to create your own Halloween wreath.
Items you'll need:
Buy about 20 beige faux dried plant picks and other Halloween-themed decor pieces you'd like to incorporate into the wreath. Take the beige faux dried plant picks and insert them at an angle into the foam wreath. Fill in the gaps inside and around the foam wreath so the foam isn't showing. And you're done! That's all you need to do! Easy, right?
By the way, on this REEL, we mention our Halloween Home Decor Contest + Giveaway! It ends October 25th, so enter before it's too late!
Decorating your front porch for the night of Halloween can be exciting! If you'd like to put out a candy bowl on your front porch for Halloween night as you've got a family/friend Halloween party to attend, taking a vacation during the holiday, or whichever reason, here is the perfect way to design a cute and easy ghost candy bowl display similar to above.
Items you'll need:
Prep your items by cutting out two eyes and a mouth from the black felt paper for the ghost face. Find the perfect place to set your candy display on your front porch and turn your trash can upside down so the bottom can be used as a tabletop. Place the white table cover onto the bin. We got ours from the Dollar Store, but you can also use a white bed sheet instead. Take tape and stick the black felt eyes and mouth on the white sheet to make the face. Then, you can either put your empty candy bowl underneath the white sheet or on top and add candy inside the bowl. Ta-da! All done! Take a look at the cute ghost candy bowl display you just made!
Related Post: Fall Dessert: Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes
Isn't painting pumpkins such a classic and fun way to prep for Halloween? We're sharing with you the trendiest way to paint pumpkins this year that looks so adorable and is a fun craft to do.
When designing the pumpkins, we found inspiration through Pinterest to create a few modern bohemian-themed ones and they turned out quite darling. We tried out a few different styles and our favorite was the ghost fingerprint design we found trending on Tik Tok. This was such a cute and surprisingly easy way to make little ghosts on a pumpkin.
Items you'll need:
For the pumpkin ghost, follow along with our REEL to see how you can recreate it as you'll see it's pretty simple. Take your white paint and dip your thumb in it and press it up against the pumpkin, repeat, let dry, and then take the end of your paintbrush to create the eyes and mouth of the ghost. Create a few ghost pumpkins to set on your front porch or pair with the modern bohemian pumpkins as we did.
We painted the whole pumpkin with either white or black for the modern bohemian pumpkins and then added the lines with a paintbrush after they dried. Mix the paint with a bit of corn starch or baking powder to create texture to the paint and creates a less, cookie-cutter pumpkin. We would say that the larger the pumpkin, the longer it took us to create such small details onto it. We also suggest using a white craft pen instead of a paintbrush, like we had to create the lines more easily.
We can't wait to see how you all recreate these for your front porch. Send them our way on Instagram or Facebook by tagging us @visionaryhomes (@visionaryhomesutah) and using the hashtag #VisionaryHalloween! You'll be entered for a chance to win a home decor gift card from Downeast Home.
The post Halloween Front Porch Decor appeared first on Visionary Homes.
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