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Making Your House More Energy Efficient

Making Your House More Energy Efficient

March 22, 2016

You are in the process of building your new custom home and want to be as cost effective as possible. There are many different things that you can do to make sure that your house is as green and eco friendly. Make sure to include these things in the process of building your new custom home.

Have Ceiling Fans: this will help move hot and cold air are depending on the season of the year to heat and cool your rooms. Saving on costs of electricity and gas to change the temperature in the house.

Use LED or CFL light bulbs: these bulbs can last longer than typical bulbs and save energy, in addition LED lights don’t heat up and CFLs come in a variety of different shapes and styles.

Hang a clothesline up: this can be outside or in the laundry room, but it will save energy by not running the dryer.

Choose energy efficient appliances: sometimes this can mean dishing out a little bit more money, but will save energy the more you use the appliances.

Plant trees by your house: planting deciduous trees on the west and east side of the house can keep your house warmer and cooler during the seasons changings with the leaves on and off.

There are certain tax breaks that can cover energy based improvements to the house from the bigger projects like solar panels to buying new light bulbs to use in all the rooms to save money.
Come see us at Visionary Custom homes to build your new custom home in Weber, Davis, Cache, and Box Elder counties.

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