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Staying Organized After a Move

January 27, 2016

So you’ve just bought a beautiful new custom home in Cache Valley. It has been a few months since you moved in and it is like a dream come true, but unlike Cinderella’s palace, sometimes we can fall into a hole of endless clutter and disorganization that everyday living brings. The piles can seem to be mountains that never disappear once they start. Here are some tips to help stay organized or declutter the mess after moving into your new custom home.
1.Video Your Rooms
One of the easiest starting tips is videoing the rooms you want to declutter. First, make sure the room is clean and not unregularly messy. Next, take a video on your phone of the room, including all the obscure spaces you want to clean out. Watch the video and see it reveal just how many things your eyes might have passed over without noticing.
2.Start Small
It is easy to get caught up and distracted with a task easily, don’t overwhelm yourself with a huge project that takes weeks to do and only allow yourself an hour to finish. This is why it is important to make sure you finish one project at a time and then move on to the next thing.
3. One Step at a Time
Start with the top shelf in your closet or kitchen and don’t even think about moving down to the hanging coats or cookie sheets until after you have finished organizing the various ski goggles, hats, random towels, and assorted Christmas and Easter cookie cutters. Completing one level at a time will help you feel a sense of accomplishment.
4. Get Everyone Involved
This will not be the best time to have your 3 year old reorganize the kitchen for you, but each family member can help pitch in one way or another. If your spouse has a home office or a hobby room ask them to go through their stuff and to organize it into three piles to donate, throw out, and store. The kids (depending on age) can help go through their rooms and sort through toys and clothes they don’t play with or wear anymore.
5. Throw It Out
This can easily be done in the kitchen and bedroom first. You don’t really need the stacks and stacks of newspaper junk mail, the old expired coupons that you were going to use, or the piles of plastic containers you saved after finishing all of the I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter. In the bedroom/bathroom l the half empty bottles of shampoo or soap, the makeup you know you will not be able to squeeze out the rest of but for some unknown reason are still hanging on to? Nope, kick it to the curb and either recycle or throw away the things that are just just cluttering up useful space.
6. Donate
There are a lot of local organizations and charities you can donate to like Deseret Industries (175 W 1400 N, Logan, UT 84341) , Goodwill (1010 W Hill Field Rd, Layton, UT 84041), and even thrift shops donating to domestic violence shelters like Somebody’s Attic (39 W 100 N, Logan, UT 84321).
Follow these simple tips to keep your beautiful new custom home in Cache county spotless and organized.

The post Staying Organized After a Move appeared first on Visionary Homes.